SAMMAMISH VALLEY GRANGE #286—2025 Hall Rental Rates
14654 148th Ave. NE
Woodinville, WA 98072
The Grange Hall is available for rent to individuals, businesses and non-profit organizations.
(Rate sheet updated as of January, 2025.)
- Fridays beginning at 4:00 PM: $150.00 per hour (3-hour minimum).
- Saturdays beginning at 11:00 AM: $150 per hour (3-hour minimum).
- Sundays Beginning at 11:00 AM: $110.00 per hour (3-hour minimum).
- All other times: $90.00 per hour, $270.00 minimum.
- Holiday rates: $150.00 per hour. Holidays include: New Year’s Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve.
Cleaning Fee: $150 per event. See rental agreement for details.
Alcohol on premises, one-time fee of $150.
Note: If alcohol will be served, renter must provide an ‘Alcohol Liability Insurance Certificate.’ A ‘Banquet Permit’ from the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board may be required. Contact the WSLCCB for further details.
Security/Damage Deposit:
$300 for most events.
$500 if alcohol is served.
Security Deposit due at the time of Rental Agreement signing. Full rental portion due no less than sixty (60) days prior to scheduled event.